格林曼环境出席AIAG会议并发表主题演讲 Greenment Speech at a AIAG Conference
发布时间:2021-03-29浏览次数: 9445

2021年3月10日, AIAG(Automotive Industry Action Group)美国汽车工业行动集团(总部位于美国密歇根州底特律市)举办线上会议,格林曼环境受邀在AIAG环境事务工作小组会议上作了有关中国VOC立法趋势及汽车行业供应链风险的主题演讲,反响热烈。


AIAG 成立于1982年,是由多家大型汽车品牌共同创建的全球性组织。该组织旨在通过协作开发和分享供应链管理的最佳实践,为制造商和零部件供应商提供平台,以处理和解决全球供应链的问题。目前,AIAG有超过4000家成员企业,包括:全球交通设施制造商、零部件供应商、服务提供商、相关全球组织和政府机构等。其中环境事务工作小组是AIAG下属的专门委员会,主要关注与汽车工业相关的环境问题。出席3月10日会议的包括来自福特、通用、麦格纳、诺尔达和耐世特等品牌企业的代表。




格林曼环境已成为国内公认的、在行业内具有影响力的环境健康安全领域的专业咨询服务提供商。格林曼为客户提供全球范围的环境健康安全咨询服务及可持续解决方案。格林曼咨询业务类型包括:供应链与绿色制造EHS服务、企业兼并收购和剥离EHS服务、ESG 咨询服务、EHSL管理咨询和法规咨询服务、EHSL审核和评估服务、能效与碳排放管理服务等。



On March 10th, 2021, Greenment delivered a presentation on VOC Legislative Developments in China and Associated Supply Chain Risks to the Detroit, Michigan-based Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG) Environmental Working Group. 


AIAG was founded in 1982 by several major automakers to develop and share best practices and to drive down cost and complexity in the supply chain. Over 4,000 member companies belong to AIAG, including global mobility manufacturers, their part suppliers, service providers, and associated global organizations, and government entities. The Environmental Working Group is an AIAG committee focused on environmental issues relevant to the automotive industry. Representatives at the March 10th meeting included the following companies: Ford, GM, Magna, Luvata, and Nexteer Automotive.


Topics discussed at this meeting: (1) health & environmental impacts of VOCs, (2) VOCs as a top policy goal in China, (3) VOCs as a potential supply chain disruptor, and (4) a global comparison of VOC concentrations and regulations. 


Greenment has become a recognized and influential professional consulting service provider in the field of environmental health and safety in China in recent years. Greenment provides global EHS consulting services and sustainable solutions to the client. Our consulting services include supply chain and green manufacturing EHS services, M&A and divestiture EHS services, ESG consulting services, EHSL management consulting and regulatory consulting services, ESHL audit and evaluation services, energy efficiency and carbon emission management services, etc.

